Collaboration with a cause.

Advanced Integration Skills Course

Collaboration with a Cause

The key to unlocking integration and ensuring that your integration process is fully integrated(!) is having good collaboration throughout the entire process, and this course builds the soft skills needed to collaborate and therefore, integrate well.

  • Are integrators clear on the direction they are heading in?
  • Do integrators work well with all their key stakeholders?
  • When issues arise, are they addressed in a professional and constructive manner?
  • Can they distil and simplify a complex situation to focus on the elements that make the most difference?

If you answered ‘no’ to any of these questions this course is right for your organisation!

This course is targeted at team members or managers who have been working in an integration role for 18 months or more and for those who would benefit from developing their collaboration skills.

What does this course cover?

Module 1:  Gaining alignment on the future

Facilitation Skills:  You will learn some key skills to be able to facilitate others to deliver outcomes and solutions.

Vision, Mission & Team Charter.  You will know how to create a vision, mission and team charter to align and motivate teams towards the future direction.

Triggers and behaviours.  You will identify what triggers specific behaviours in yourself and others to build strong connections within the team.

Distillation. You will learn how to distil complexity into the essence that makes the real difference, actively looking for and catalysing simplicity and smoothing the path to the end customer.   

Module 2:  Managing Conflict

Understanding personality types.  This session explores how different personality types respond to conflict to enable you to build effective strategies to deal with them.

Giving & Receiving Feedback.  You will learn how to give and receive constructive feedback to help deliver development iterations and continuous improvement.

Courageous Conversations.  You will develop techniques to remain level-headed and objective in conflict situations to understand and address issues. 

What core integration skill areas are involved?

  1. Removing Obstacles

  2. Facilitating Workshops

  3. Collaborating

  4. Leading Teams

  5. Managing Conflict

  6. Distilling and Simplifying

  7. Strategic Thinking

  8. Identifying and Applying Learning

Download the complete Integration Skills (23) guide

What do you get?

  • 4.5 hours of contact time across 4 weeks.
  • A further 2 hours self-learning, supported by a tutor.
  • Marked assignments at the end of each module to consolidate learning.
  • A practical toolkit for easy reference.
  • Plenty of practise in a safe learning environment.
  • Participation in an Action Learning Set to encourage peer learning and support.

Register your interest:

Drop us a line and let us know if an Advanced Integration Skills course is just what you need.

Mentoring Next?

Mentoring Integration - Catalysing Integration Capability

This course is designed to equip people to act as mentors for Integrators, catalysing your organisation’s integration capability. It will also provide structured support and a space where current integrators can further develop their integration skills, personal resilience and confidence.

Mentoring Integration

Mentoring Integration

Catalysing Integration Capability