Managing Boundaries COURSE

An expertly facilitated workshop dramatically improves efficiency and engagement. It can turn unproductive talking shops into engaging, interactive working sessions that deliver specified outcomes quickly and to a high quality.

My Learning & Development Theme > Managing Boundaries Course

Managing Boundaries Course

Course Description

Managing boundaries can be challenging in an “always on” 24/7 working environment, where demands are high, resources are scarce, and we are always reachable. Perhaps you find yourself working long hours, taking on additional tasks, but feeling it is hard to progress on your priorities? Despite working longer hours than most European countries, we hear that in the UK we have a persistent productivity issue.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. Imagine if you were able to achieve your objectives in a reasonable time frame, feeling in control of what you were doing and to make choices about additional requests? Wouldn't that be great? This module will help everyone who wants a better quality of life at work and personally, through being able to establish and maintain boundaries.

Managing Boundaries is a skill that can be learned and with practice, you may find yourself able to focus on your priorities, and to gain a sense of achievement. Both individuals and the workplace stand to benefit, through improved productivity and a better workplace climate.

What topics are covered? 

Our courses are tailored to your needs by selecting from a list of tools, each of which is an individual topic and takes about an hour. Each tool generally covers one key management skill, behaviour or attribute, is accompanied by a toolcard (which builds up to create a personalised toolkit) and uses our Tell-Show-Do experiential learning methodology.

You can select from the list of tools below to create learning that is just right for your needs or get in touch with one of our trainers to help design and curate the right programme for your team.

Your custom Managing Boundaries Toolkit: 

Choose from:

1. Boundaries For Sustainable Performance

What exactly are boundaries anyway? Find out how to identify non-negotiables, put in place effective flexible boundaries, how to implement them graciously and reinforce them firmly.

2. Managing Your Energy And Focus

Having effective boundaries in place allows you to manage your energy and focus for sustained and effective contribution. What are your best times of day for doing different kinds of work (focused or routine)? What are the four kinds of energy you need to manage for sustainable performance? Create your own energy plan to ensure you apply and replenish for sustained performance and the resilience to deal with life’s challenges.

3. Communicating In An Adult Way To Manage Boundaries

Being able to communicate from an “adult” position is a key skill to managing boundaries. In “child” mode you may do as you are told, or rebel against instructions given by “parental” managers. In “adult” mode, you can express what you need or act on your terms, as well as promote a reasoned problem-solving response, rather than a parental response, from those with whom you negotiate.

4. Combine Clear Boundaries With Strengths, Values And Resources For Strength

Clear boundaries are an important in combination with a clear sense of the values that guide us, alongside the strengths and resources that we can apply to achieve results. Used together, these help us to prioritise our efforts and apply our energy intentionally, to achieve great things from a position of strength. In this module, you will identify what goes into your shield to achieve great things.

How long is the course?

It depends on how many units you selected from the list above! Each unit takes about an hour, with extra time for an introduction, any breaks that are needed and a wrap-up. Choose one unit or add them together - three units make up half a day, and five or six units make a full day.  

What can you expect?

Interactive, thought-provoking training that can be virtual, face-to-face or a hybrid of the two. We use a variety of methods to create learning that sticks: from videos to activities and exercises in groups or individually, to e-learning, to further reading.


As a result of implementing the Managing Boundaries Tools, here’s what managers will be doing:

  • Having clear boundaries strengthens my resilience and enables me to perform sustainably.
  • Managing my energy with boundaries in place helps me to be at my best in work and life.
  • I know how to use the P-A-C model to communicate from a position of confidence to negotiate and maintain my boundaries.
  • I can use my values and my strengths, together with my resources and boundaries to tackle challenges that I face.

Register your interest:

Drop us a line and let us know if a Managing Boundaries Course is just what you need.

We'll get back to you with more information and some dates and times for a quick call.